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Maureen Layden

Deceased Sisters

Maureen Layden - Ireland
31/03/1922 - 24/01/2019


 Maureen Layden was born 31st March 1922 at   Drumnaswan, Tarmon, Co. Leitrim on the shores of    Lough Allen.

Maureen was the first of six children born to Madge Sheehan from Boyle and Tom Layden from Arigna who, by then, was the      local school teacher in Tarmon.

Maureen’s three brothers, Aidan, Gabriel and Gerry have predeceased her.

Maureen is survived by her sisters, Monica Daly, and Bernadette Shanahan.

At a young age Maureen went to Tarmon National School and later on to Marist Convent Secondary School in Carrick on Shannon as a boarder.

In 1937, when Maureen was only 15, her father died. She often recalled the immense sadness this was for her and her young siblings, but especially for her mother who, fortunately was a strong woman of faith, serenity and resilience.

These gifts her mother, Madge, passed on to all her family. We all feel, that serenity was her gift to Maureen, which in turn, helped her through life, serene to the very end!

However, thankfully, like many other families who lived in the country at that time, Maureen’s mother and family were supported in their loss by great neighbours, together, with the help of very close family ties, on both sides, as, all the young members grew up together. This memory lives on and is treasured by the family to this day!

In 1941, at the age of 19, Maureen entered the Novitiate of the Marist Sisters here in Carrick and was professed in 1943, receiving the religious name of Sister Gerard, by which she was known right through her teaching years.

Maureen (now Sr Gerard) was sent off to Glasgow, Scotland for 4 years to graduate in Home Economics. On her return to Carrick in 1947, with great delight, she shared and handed on her skills for many years to come.

Only recently, some of Maureen’s former students spoke of Maureen’s enthusiasm in passing on her culinary expertise with passion and dedication in those years gone by.

Later on, she taught, in Tubbercurry and Dublin.

Then came ‘Retiring Age’ from teaching so Maureen busied herself, preparing to do ‘special needs’ training in order to be able to help children from our School in Sundrive Road, Dublin.

In 1992, Maureen was asked to leave Dublin and join our Sisters in Stirling, Scotland for 5 years to help in the Parish Ministry there to all denominations. Maureen often told us that this was a wonderful and blessed time in her life and loved her walks to visit the sick.

In 1997 she returned to Dublin and for the next 15 years she helped in the Home Ministry of our communities, first in Kenilworth and later in Sundrive

After Maureen celebrated her 90th birthday in 2012, she was transferred to Carrick on Shannon. In her first few years, ‘back home’, she enjoyed the rhythm of the community life, with the odd stroll on the Board Walk, or, a quick visit, to her old home at Spencer Harbour, on the shores of Lough Allen.

When she moved to Carrick she felt very much the separation from her sister Bernadette in Dublin, who was so kind to her, but soon she was overjoyed to have quality time once again, with her sister Monica, brother in law, Paddy, and family in Boyle and especially Geraldine.

During her last years Maureen endeared herself to all – community, local clergy and lay staff Her gentle presence and graciousness will long be remembered. There were no requests, only a smile and a thank you very much! This endured right to the end and her serene countenance and her peace touched all of us around her bed.

Luckily her niece, Geraldine, (who had watched round the clock) was still present for those last sacred moments, as Maureen slipped away, hushed by our song and prayer!

In thanksgiving we say, Maureen…

Rest in Peace.     Amen.

24th January, 2019

Deceased Sisters

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