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Eva Horkan

Deceased Sisters

Eva Horkan - Ireland
01/11/1939 - 09/10/2017

Remembering Sister Eva

In our book “Who are we” published in 2011, Eva gave the following as her favourite quote from our Foundress, Jeanne-Marie Chavoin: “I prefer a spendthrift to a miser. I hate to see a person with a narrow outlook. He will have the same attitude to God as he has to creatures.” RMJ 241.8 (Constitutions p.110)
Listening to the many people who came to sympathise with Eva’s family and with her community, I came to realise how dearly Eva loved the people of Carrick and how deeply they would feel her loss.
A native of Charlestown, Co. Mayo, Eva’s loyalties were not confined to one town or one county – didn’t the people of Carrick name her “Leitrim Person of the Year” and didn’t the large group of Lay Marists who met monthly in the Hospital Chapel enjoy her guidance and continued support, despite her own health issues, almost to her death?
During her time as Ward Manager of the Day Hospital Eva was ideally placed to get help for the most vulnerable and needy. Whatever their problems, she dealt with them, and if the means were not immediately to hand, she knew those who would find them. Under Eva’s management, the Day Hospital was a Refuge, a place where physical, mental and spiritual ills received “easement” in the most kind and light-hearted way for wherever Eva was there was laughter!
Hospitality and welcoming were important features of Eva’s life. She lived to be kind and kept up with old colleagues and friends from the early days of her career.
Above all, Eva gave herself to her family and they kept in constant touch with her. She loved to join them in Charlestown for the “Three Generation” Family meals prepared by her brother Marty at regular intervals.
Eva was also a great “Community Person”. Though burdened by the Oxygen container which she had to trundle around, she never allowed it to deter her from taking part in community events or celebrations.
Now, Eva’s empty chair is a reminder, not of absence but of presence which speaks of a goodness still accessible to us.
Stay with us Eva!

Deceased Sisters

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