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Antonia Onali

Deceased Sisters

Antonia Onali - Italy
17/01/1934 - 07/11/2016


Sister Antonia Onali was born in Ortacesus (Cagliari, Italy) 17 January 1934 and died in Treviso on November 7, 2016.

When her mother, Assunta, died, life became difficult for her as she had to care for her father, and her four brothers whom she raised until her call to religious life. It was in  October 1957 that she began her pre-novitiate in Castiglione Fiorentino (Arezzo) where she spent several months.

In March 1958 she entered the novitiate at Massabielle, St. Prix in France. Her clothing ceremony took place the following year in Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon. She was professed in October 1960.

On her return to Italy Antonia began to study in preparation for teaching kindergarten at Moncalieri (Turin). A new community was begun in Monigo in 1963 in the diocese of Treviso and it was there that she began teaching as well as undertaking parish work and working with youth.

From 1964 to 1969 Antonia started and worked in a new kindergarten school in the San Liberale area of Treviso, again with involvement in the parish. She was also given the responsibility of overseeing the construction of a new educational establishment.

In 1969, Sister Antonia, with two other religious began another new community in Levada di Piombino Dese (Padoua), in the diocese of Tréviso, where she  was involved in parish activities, catechism, working with youth, prayer gatherings and care for the sick and their families.

In 1974, she returned to the parish of Monigo (Treviso) for several years continuing to work in the kindergarten. At the same time sat for public examinations which she passed brilliantly and which enabled her to gain a teaching position at Ponte di Piave (Treviso). The year after her experience of working in a public school she was given permission to go to Brazil.

In Brazil she fulfilled her dream, devoting herself with great generosity to this new mission in many ways: in the forest, and among the poorest in various communities. In fact life in Ji Parana in Brazil  fulfilled what had always been her greatest desire, namely to be a missionary.

For 24 years there Antonia contributed to the evangelisation and promotion of human values with love and faith. She knew how to serve the children of the streets and families in need with love.

In 1993, she returned to Italy and went to Candiolo (TO) and continued to live her missionary spirit. She brought her religious presence into her meetings, whether with families, by her participation in Gospel sharings, in the Rosary during the month of May, or in the farms of Candiolo.

At Collegno also she experienced parish apostolate, and took part in the Caritas group for the elderly and the sick.

From 2005 to 2011, she worked enthusiastically and responsibly in the community of Marino (Rome) in the parish of Saint Rita of Cascia. It was for her a new experience to work among simple people who had no religious beacon to guide them.

Some months later Antonia began to work with street girls whose dignity had been destroyed. The aim was to approach them with the offer of moral support and information as to how access social and health services. She worked in collaboration with a team of social workers, psychologists and doctors.

Antonia always knew how to give herself with simplicity and fulfil each task confided to her with generosity.  She loved community life, she was a woman of friendship, or relationship, in community and with the persons she encountered or visited.

On her return to Candiolo (Turin), she was asked to work with Sister Fatima, a religious who was working with girls in difficulty in Turin. Antonia joyfully accepted to take part in this worthwhile service every day. Her work in this centre, founded by Sister Fatima, was to assist girls who had been exploited and prostituted to overcome their negative experiences and look for better conditions of life.

However, the Lord saw fit to send her sickness and suffering which she endured for six long months. She was taken from Turin to a suitable establishment in Treviso run by the Sisters of Saint Camillus, near the communities there. Antonia left us serenely and in the peace of God.

Her life was an example of acceptance of God’s will; she knew how to live in the spirit of Mary with generosity and simplicity throughout her life.

Her funeral took place in the church of the Franciscan Sisters at Treviso (SS. Quaranta), where she had passed her last days. The church was lit and decorated as if for a feast day. With the Sisters of the communities of Treviso and Turin and her family who had come from Sardinia, there were many who had met or known her in the different places where she had served, come to show their affection and their gratitude.

We are certain that Antonia is close to Jesus, to Mary, and our Founders, and that she prays for us.

Deceased Sisters

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