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Final Vows Programme Week 10

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27/10/2018 - General House

Thérèse writes:

Welcome, my dear Sisters, at the 10th week of our time of preparation for final vows.

For two days Father Pierre Diatta of the congregation of the Pious schools (Piarists) nourished us with strong and meaningful words on our theme: "Wine of Joy freely offered forever”. He reformulated it differently under this slogan: "JO LI FI" it means Joy, Freedom and Fidelity.

Joy is the beauty of religious life. Yes we are happy because we are called by God. We do not have the right to be embittered. If we are, we do not respond to God's plan.

Joy is a sign of poverty and it is for this reason that we must make our communities living and dynamic places in a fraternal spirit. Gossiping is a terrible enemy for the community: It's poison. This invites us to responsibility, humility, simplicity, openness, welcome and truth in ourselves.

Religious life is very beautiful but it is demanding. Indeed, to live it we must have total inner freedom. Today in our world, love is a risk to take because it has lost its true meaning.

How can we speak of the vocation of love without touching the vow of chastity that is prophetic and liberating? The vows are linked and invite us to live the beatitudes especially to have the heart of the poor. Joyful and liberating obedience is when we are connected to God through the mediation of our leaders. To live this vow today is a big challenge.

Fidelity is the fruit of truth. Like obedience, fidelity is in crisis too. However, faithfulness in religious life requires prayer, resilience, patience, and openness. In fact consecrated persons are consecrated in their mission as consecrated persons. This is a word full of meaning because we have understood that fraternal life in community is our first mission.

We also participated at the Papal Audience this Wednesday, October 24, 2018. The Pope's catechesis was on the 6th commandment of the Church: You will not commit adultery. What a coincidence to continue our meditation on the notion of fidelity, following the session with Father Pierre Diatta. The Holy Father reminds us that love manifests itself beyond the threshold of all self-interest, especially when we give ourselves without reserve, as Christ has revealed to us. The human being needs to be loved unconditionally, otherwise he risks resigning himself to the mediocrity of immature relationships which at best are only a reflection of love. He invites us to make a sincere and faithful discernment so that we are faithful and reliable women in all circumstances. Fidelity is a way of life; a lifestyle.

The 6th commandment invites us to turn our gaze to Christ who, through his fidelity, can give us a faithful heart to live fully his joyous and liberating mission.

From Friday October 26 to November 3 we will be on retreat and we entrust ourselves to your prayers as you are doing already.

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