Australia,  General Team

Time to say ‘goodbye’

Recently Sister Kate returned to Rome after an extended time with us in the Unit of Australia.

During her time in Australia Kate had the added experience of returning to her own Unit where we were all able to make the most of our time with her as we welcomed her home for a few months.

At the conclusion of her visit we gathered with Kate to farewell her as she prepared to return to her next assignment.

We commenced with a prayer prepared by Gail. In it we prayed in thanksgiving to God ‘for the blessing that Kate’s presence with us over these months has been for our Unit.’

We spent the remainder of the afternoon relaxing over afternoon tea and engaging in informal conversation. Given that Kate was back in her own country and knowing her so well there was no shortage of conversation, laughs, reminiscing.

At the conclusion of the afternoon we said our goodbyes to Kate individually as we wished her well and a safe return to her community in Rome.

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