
Pilgrim Graces

The days which Sr Teri O’Brien spent with pilgrims from Atlanta, Georgia were days of special graces…

The people of Coutouvre provided a beautiful meal with photos of our founders and a menu at each setting.   In Le Puy a gentleman with an antique car drove Bishop Konzen sm and led the way right up very narrow roads to the Church in Le Puy.  The people of St Bonnet-le-Troncy got their cars to drive all the pilgrims to the site of Jean Claude Colin’s home which was inaccessible by bus.  They welcomed the group with warm cakes and coffee!!!  Visits to all the Marist sites were so prayerful, with Masses in all our special places.

In all the years of accompanying pilgrims Sr Teri has learned to trust Mary as Jeanne Marie Chavoin did: “She will guide them even in little things, if they are careful to do nothing without consulting Her. Let us always have recourse to Her and we shall always be helped. CMJ 15.1”

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