Perpetual Profession
Perpetual Profession of Sr Tulua Matangi ‘Otuafi SM
The Sisters of the Unit of Aotearoa New Zealand were so happy to have Sr Sylvette, our Congregation Leader with us to receive Tulua’s Vows. The 27th January was a day of rejoicing and thanksgiving to God for the gift of Marist vocation to Tulua as she committed her life totally to God as a Marist Sister.
Bishop Steve Lowe of the Auckland diocese was the main celebrant in the Eucharistic Celebration which was held at Holy Cross Parish Church in Papatoetoe, Auckland where Tulua is a Teacher Aide in the Primary School.
The many members of Tulua’s extended family travelled from different parts of the world to be here in New Zealand for this special event. Her mother Huni and her elderly namesake Tulua Senior came especially from Tonga.
Before the Solemn Blessing at the end of the Mass, Bishop Steve congratulated Tulua and reminded her that she has made a wonderful witness to her Marist Religious life. In his own words he said “Tulua, you have guts” – in these days, a lot of people do not seem to have the ability to commit to a relationship permanently. After the Eucharist, everyone was invited to the parish hall for some lunch and entertainment.