Our Marist Neighbours
Sr Marie-Thérèse writes…
While their house in Sainte Foy was being renovated, the Marist Fathers moved to Lyon, near us in “rue Sala”‘. On 29 December 2023, we had the joy of taking part in Mass in their little chapel.
The photo shows Father Fontanier (104 years old), brother of our deceased sister Marie Fontanier, Father Bernard Boisseau and the celebrant, Father Paul Souga, who is visiting France and has unfortunately just had a stroke.

He is paralysed on his right side. I went to see him in hospital. It’s so difficult to have a conversation because his voice is so weak. Yet I admired him. When I asked him if he was well looked after, his answer was “yes, there’s no problem”.
And yet he is totally dependent! And just as I was leaving, he called to tell me that I’d forgotten my umbrella! Thank you, Paul, for your testimony of abandonment to God and to Mary, whom we prayed to together.