Origami Workshop
During her recent visit to the Unit in Brazil, Sister Silvia Sanz de Diego (General Councillor) gave an origami workshop to the children of the Maria Mãe da Misericórdia Popular Education Centre in the city of Caruaru/Pernambuco.
This workshop is part of the experience in the community where the sisters work in the social centre.
What beautiful work!
But it wasn’t only in Caruaru that Sister Silvia found herself teaching art with all her talent. In Ji-Paraná, she gave a workshop on necklace making at the Casa de Nazaré, and in Belo Horinzonte, Minas Gerais, she also gave a workshop at the Madre São José Centre.
This time with Sister Silvia Sanz de Diego was very rich for the Unit in Brazil. All the Brazilian sisters and people are very grateful for this experience. Thank you, Silvia.