Novices in West Africa
Our 3 new novices Emilienne, Madeline and Marie Claire are embracing wholeheartedly the continued deepening of their understanding of Marist Spirituality and Religious Life.
Emilienne writes
For me, the novitiate is a small, well-lit road on which I walk, living this total intimacy with God. This intimacy will allow me to be more aware of God’s hand in my life through silence and prayer which I will deepen day by day

In addition, it is a stage for me to apply myself to living the Marist values in my daily life, to penetrate the Marist spirit and to breathe it while renouncing myself in order to concern myself with the interests of the one who seduced me with his gaze: Christ.
I intend to make this journey in the greatest inner peace, trying to keep my heart empty and ready to listen, to welcome and to receive Jesus with these graces, as well as Mary, whose place in my life I have become aware of. EMILIENNE
Madeline writes
The novitiate for me is a time where I am call to taste God and continue to build my intimate relationship with Christ.
From the retreat I had for my preparation to the reception to novitiate, I was helped with some spiritual exercises that led me to my inner self. It also reminded me of the importance of being focus on what is essential in my life in order to focus on God’s deep desires for me. This will be done through self-giving which is loving Christ intimately, self-sacrifice and self-understanding.

During this period of my novitiate, I desire daily to search for the face of Jesus, to listen to his voice as he calls me to come down of myself, like he did to Zacchaeus and visit me. This will enable me to taste God in every way possible especially in prayer. I also desire to treasure and to nurture my intimate relationship with Christ by giving myself totally and openly to the spirit, to allow him to break, mould, fashion and use me as he would.
Finally, I am invited during this period to be influence by the life of Mary and Jeanne Marie in living a community life of prayer, mutual respect, trust and confidence.
Marie Claire writes
For me the novitiate is a new and very important stage that I have just embraced, where I must cultivate and deepen my intimacy with God in daily prayer.

Knowing that I have embarked on something new, a stage of initiation into Marist religious life, I will learn to know the place of Mary. In this time I must model my life on that of Christ, accepting that my relationship with him be closer and more intimate like an innocent child for a great impetus in prayer. I must also accept that our friendship be built on fidelity and sincerity, so that I can focus on the importance of spiritual freedom.
Indeed, this is a moment when he will be rooted in me, fixing me upright, immobile by the privilege of his word, to witness the taste of Christ in joy and peace.