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Alexius Hanson

Deceased Sisters

Alexius Hanson - United Kingdom
01/09/1918 - 28/07/2021


Kathleen Hanson was born in Salford, Manchester, England, of Irish parents, James and Brigid Hanson. When the family re-located to Ireland, Kathleen attended the local Primary School in Elphin, Co. Roscommon with the Mercy Sisters. For her Secondary School Education she went back to England to the new Marist Secondary School, Peckham. This by now had also become a Novitiate House - the first in the Anglo-Irish Province of the Marist Sisters. It was here that Kathleen entered Religious Life and was from then known as Sister Alexius.  For her teacher training she went to the LSU Training College in Southampton where she qualified with a glowing reference after two years, in 1943. It was a ‘Passport for her Life’s Career as a teacher’. Her first job as a qualified teacher was in St Bede’s Tottenham, London where she was highly commended for all aspects of Education, religious and secular. “It will pose a daunting prospect to replace her” was the response of the Chairman of Governors when he heard she was leaving.

Sister Alexius made her Final Profession on August 15th 1943 in Ottery and her Second Novitiate in June 1962, Tubbercurry. From 1945 onwards Sr Alexius brought joy and professionalism to all the Houses and schools where she was sent – Ottery, Hythe, West Byfleet, Nympsfield, Sunninghill and the National Shrine of Our Lady at Walsingham. She spent a few terms in some of these places and always with a generous heart, in spite of difficulties at times. She made the Marist Charism a reality.

Throughout her teaching ministry Alexius kept updating in all subjects, evaluating new trends and developments and adjusting accordingly. She was a very creative teacher, encouraging ‘hands-on’ learning. While computers were only gradually making an appearance in Primary Schools, she made the pupils aware of the libraries and local resources near at hand for their research. She encouraged and guided them in using their full potential. Application to the task and well-presented work were very important, expected and valued.

Sr Alexius worked mainly with older pupils but wherever the need was made known – a teacher for younger children, School Headship or Community Leader – she made herself available and gave of her best. Whatever fell into her lap came to her from the Lord and she accepted it as such. She did not know the word ‘Retirement’ and even when she officially and reluctantly ‘retired’ to Nympsfield, she kept very active -visiting the sick, bringing Holy Communion and visiting the local Care Home. She kept very active and was very valued in the life of the village.

For Sr Alexius, her spirituality pervaded all aspects of her life and work. She won the respect of adults and children wherever she was – in the classroom, the staff room or in the playground. This special quality of hers has been noted and appreciated, by many all through her life. She particularly enjoyed her spiritual year in Regina Mundi 1980-81 and loved to recall the walks in the beautiful gardens of Rome.

Pupils responded to her equally, whether preparing for a Classroom Mass or in the drama class preparing a scene for the next dramatic production. She related to each and all with respect and ease. A true educator, she called forth the best in everyone. On hearing of her death, a past pupil wrote –

I will always remember Sister Alexius with great fondness as my Headmistress and classroom teacher…My memory of her classes are vivid and filled with joy. She has remained in my heart for her kindness and teaching. Such a wonderful role model who made such a difference to my life…

Love, sympathy and best wishes to the Community…

In September 2013 at the age of 95 years she moved to Villa Maria. She particularly enjoyed taking part in the religious exercises in the Villa. Her prayer life was very important to her and she valued the Mass most of all. For the last few weeks of her life she was gradually becoming weaker, and she slept most of the time and was looking forward to a call home from the Lord. Having already received the Last Rites and blessings from Father Jim, she passed away peacefully at 4.00 am on July 28th. She was ready to go and meet all her dearly loved family. A week before Sr Alexius died her wish was fulfilled when her niece, Anne - with Martin and son - came to see her and brought her great joy.

 May she Rest in Peace. 

Deceased Sisters

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