Class Reunion @ Tubbercurry
Srs Georgina Cawley and Marie O’Reilly were involved in organizing a class reunion for Tubbercurry 1968 – 1973. Thirty-six former pupils plus teachers and sisters gathered with excitement and anticipation of recognising and meeting old friends. Mass was very emotional 5 deceased classmates were remembered. In Cawleys Hotel they enjoyed a lovely meal followed by the cutting of a cake. It was lots of banter, chats and reminiscing for the rest of the night and the day.

During 2022 word started to filter through on the Tubbercurry Marist Facebook page that 2023 was the 50th Anniversary of our class. One of our classmates Bernadette Connolly started the ball rolling and set up a whatsapp group. As a result a committee of 9 past pupils was organised, consisting mostly of ladies living in the Tubbercurry area.
The main objective was to contact all of our classmates, which wasn’t easy as the borders in particular were scattered worldwide. However with a lot of effort and the help of social media most of the girls were traced and in turn added to the WhatsApp group. The next step was to recall our teachers and again with a lot of cross communication on WhatsApp, a list of names was compiled. Unfortunately, a few for different reasons were unable to travel but responded with lovely messages.
The itinerary for the day was planned and with the cooperation of Fr Vincent Sherlock and Cawley Hotel proprietors the full programme for June 17th was in place.
The day started with meet and greet over light refreshments in Cawleys Hotel and the excitement and anticipation of recognising and meeting old friends was nothing short of magical. It was like going back in time and reliving the events of our school days.
As part of the day’s events some of our memorabilia was on show and when one of our classmates modelled the school uniform it was a real talking point.
Mass was arranged in the church for 5pm so this was when we met our teachers who joined us for this celebration and rest of the evening.
Sr Georgina, Sr Maureen, Sr Mary Richardson, John Francis and Mary Kelly, Linda Burke and Mrs Collins were as excited to meet us as we were them.
The mass was very emotional as we remembered our 5 deceased classmates. A candle was lit in memory of each of them in front of the alter which was later given to their families or put on their graves.
Deceased teachers were also prayed for. Both teachers and classmates took part in the readings, prayers and offerings as Fr Vincent led with the singing.
A photo shoot was next on the agenda so that was taken in the church followed by a group photo at the front of the Convent.
It was back to Cawleys for dinner as we enjoyed a lovely meal followed by the cutting of a cake.
It was lots of banter, chats and reminiscing for the rest of the night and the day we had anticipated for so long was over all too soon.
As a momentum of the day our main organiser Bernadette went to great lengths to have a very professional book issued showing school day photos, memories and tributes to our deceased classmates. Each one was presented with a copy as well as a group photo.
Even though we all had aged the most striking thing each ones features and personalities were the same.
Out of 57 girls in our class 36 were present on the day.
For those who could not make it on the day we hope by the use of modern technology (not there in our school days) we will now continue to stay in contact through social media.

One Comment
Patrick Hickman
A life time ago I met a girl nameed Kathleen Killgallon who was working her summer holidays at McANeffs resturant in Bundoran. Kathleen was a student at the ?marist convent in Tubbercurry.
This was during the sixty’s. Does anyone rember Kathleen.