The First Community in Ireland (1873)
Ireland, in the late nineteenth century was an impoverished country. Disease and emigration had followed centuries of oppression and religious persecution, and famine had devasted the Irish countryside. The two great needs of the time were care of the many sick and destitute people and education for the children.
It was in response to these needs that the five pioneer Marists arrived in Carrick in the June of 1873. They stayed for some days with the enclosed Franciscan Sisters at Drumshanbo and on the feast of Mary’s visitation, July 2nd, the first community in Ireland – Mother St. John (Mugnier), Sister St. Henry (Shaw), Sister St. Alban (Russell), St. Epiphane, and Sister St. Foy – took up residence in the rented house which was to be their home for eighteen years. …

Our Current Ministries
- Prayer
- Education
- Nursing
- with special care of our own sisters as we grow older,
- Working in parishes and with the diocese.
- Administration.
- visiting and ministry to our employees.
- Social Justice Ireland.