Cerdon and Belley

Our Source


Jeanne-Marie Chavoin and Marie Jotillon arrived in Cerdon to begin the feminine branch of the Society of Mary. 

It was here that Jeanne-Marie grasped in depth her future charism. The Foundress received a solid spiritual foundation from Father Jean-Claude Colin and his brother Pierre.

She continued to go out to the people as she had done in Coutouvre, while at the same time taking care of the sacristy and the presbytery, all the time blending a life of prayer and action.

In 1823 she received permission from the Bishop of Belley to begin the women’s branch of the Society of Mary.

 On September 8th, 1823 Jeanne-Marie with Marie Jotillon began to live in community and were joined by Marie Gardet on October 25th of the same year.

In 1825, the new born congregation moved the Belley, where our Congregation finally took root and from there has spread to other parts of the world.