Australia,  JPIC (Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation),  Ministry

A Catholic Response to Human Trafficking

RE Search is a podcast produced by the Archdiocese of Sydney in partnership with Sydney Catholic Schools. It searches for the answers to questions asked by people in schools and parishes. ACRATH member, Sr Noelene Simmons sm, was recently interviewed in an episode entitled A Catholic Response to Human Trafficking. The podcasts begins with Noelene sharing her life as a Marist Sister. It can be accessed via the link –


A Catholic Response to Human Trafficking1

RE Search is a podcast produced by the Archdiocese of Sydney in partnership with Sydney Catholic Schools. It searches for the answers to questions asked by people in schools and parishes. ACRATH member, Sr Noelene Simmons sm, was recently interviewed in an episode entitled A Catholic Response to Human Trafficking. The podcasts begins with Noelene sharing her life as a Marist Sister. It can be accessed via the link –


A Catholic Response to Human Trafficking2

RE Search is a podcast produced by the Archdiocese of Sydney in partnership with Sydney Catholic Schools. It searches for the answers to questions asked by people in schools and parishes. ACRATH member, Sr Noelene Simmons sm, was recently interviewed in an episode entitled A Catholic Response to Human Trafficking. The podcasts begins with Noelene sharing her life as a Marist Sister. It can be accessed via the link –


A Catholic Response to Human Trafficking3

RE Search is a podcast produced by the Archdiocese of Sydney in partnership with Sydney Catholic Schools. It searches for the answers to questions asked by people in schools and parishes. ACRATH member, Sr Noelene Simmons sm, was recently interviewed in an episode entitled A Catholic Response to Human Trafficking. The podcasts begins with Noelene sharing her life as a Marist Sister. It can be accessed via the link –

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