Thanksgiving in Canada
Thanksgiving (Action de grâce) or Thanksgiving Day (Jour de l’Action de grâce), is an annual Canadian holiday and harvest festival. It is held on the second Monday in October, which celebrates the harvest and other blessings of the past year. This year, the Sisters of the Canadian Unit celebrated Thanksgiving simply, at home, giving our employees a break on October 9th, in the midst of our colorful, peaceful autumn.

We prayerfully gave THANKS for so many graces received, keeping hopeful hearts for more blessings in solidarity with you all in Synodal mode.
Just to mention a few of our THANK YOU’s, know that we are ever so grateful for the following:

We were delighted to have Sr Noelene Simmons with us for a week, sharing her joy with us of being Marist and serving our Congregation so generously by her work and extensive travelling.
We rejoiced with our dear friend Nicole Devost who is now back with us, enriched by her weeks of walking El Camino de Compostella ( 779 km) united to us in prayer and ready to continue with us as a precious companion and councillor on our Marist Journey.

On Sunday, Sr Ghislaine, Céline and Huguette joined in the concluding celebration of the commemorative year in honor of the arrival of the Religieuses Hospitalières de St Joseph 150 years ago in the Madawaska Region. These Sisters are forever part of our history since they welcomed our 3 founding Sisters for 3 months on March 17th, 1947 and prepared and guided them for their mission in Canada.