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USIG Interculturality Program

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21/05/2021 -

INTERCULTURALITY - "a precious treasure"

Three Marist including Sr Silvia Sanz Diego (England) and Srs Jeanne-Valerie and Anna N’Diaye (West Africa were among the 130 religious women who participated in an on-line UISG “Interculturality Program.”  Participants met once a week via Zoom for seven weeks.

 Video and reading material were sent in advance of each session.  Each session was led by an excellent team.

Our Sisters benefitted from the group work and found the process of deep listening and open sharing very enriching.  One of the key learnings is that interculturality goes beyond internationality.  It is our "precious treasure" to be shared and valued as we act more globally and move forward as a Congregation.


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