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Who we are today

The General Chapter affirmed the values of diversity and flexibility.  Diversity is a fact and the Congregation is enriched by this diversity.  Given our diversity, the different situations we live, the demographics that characterise our particular reality, the need for flexibility is evident.  It is not possible that a governance structure that is good in one Sector will serve another equally well. We thank God for the wisdom that has led to starting from the grass roots and building from there. 

The Chapter did not decide on governance structures, but has opened the way for each current Sector to reflect on its situation and its needs.  From this fresh starting point, each group is invited to shape its future governance model according to its own reality.  The vital issue is the life of the Unit, the mission of the Unit, its desire to promote and enhance life.  The Chapter invites us to let go of the burdensome and to hold things lightly in ways that will free Sisters for mission.  (Chapter Report)

From 8th December we will be one Congregation of 13 Units!

In her video address to the Congregation, our Leader urges us  to open wide our hearts, our minds, our very selves and embrace the Whole that we are as Congregation.  Let us cultivate an awareness of the Whole, be in touch with the Whole, be interested in the Whole, pray with the Whole.  Unit Leaders, I invite you to establish networks among yourselves and to keep your Units connected with others.

Recognising our fragility, we pray...  

Novena Prayer to Mary Who Unties Knots

Mary, woman full of the Presence of God,
you show us how to disentangle
all that holds us back
and prevents us from being 
the persons - and the Congregation –
God created us to be.

Mary, undoer of the knots in our lives,
we have placed the cord of our lives 
in your hands
trusting that you, whose name we bear,
will teach us how to deepen our consecration
and help us to find new ways
of bringing Christ to others
and discovering him in them.

Mary, woman of mercy,
we bind ourselves to you and one another
knowing that 
“even when it is no longer possible 
to perform a specific active service
the sense of (Marist) mission
which pervades our lives
will render our prayer, our sufferings,
our seeming inactivity,
fruitful sources of apostolate” Const.38

Mary, Untier of knots, 
unite us in joyful hope and loving service,
as we, women of the Word, step forward 
to embrace LIFE today!

Congregational Leadership Team 2015-2022

Maryanne Harford, Vivienne Goldstein, Grace Ellul (Leader), Sylvette Mané, Anne McCabe (left to right)

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