Current news
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- 20/03/2022 - United States
Why is Marist Vocation Critical for Our World Today? - 24/02/2022 - Philippines
BE PROUD OF YOUR MOUTH - 31/08/2021 - Philippines
Dental Care in the Philippines - 18/08/2021 - Brazil
Inspired by Mary - 25/05/2021 - Fiji
Mothers Day Message - 28/03/2021 - The Gambia
'NO TO LANGUAGE BARRIER' - 21/03/2021 - Ireland
RESPONSE TO COVID 19 - TUBBERCURRY - 03/02/2021 - Philippines
Dental Project - 29/12/2020 - Australia
Departure from Barcaldine - 14/12/2019 - Ireland
Irish Sisters reaching out in Mary's name - 01/09/2019 - United Kingdom
Marist Ministry in Manchester - 11/08/2019 - Brazil
A Story to lift the heart - 30/06/2019 - Fiji
New Marist Ministry - Reforestation - 03/06/2019 - General House
World Communications Day - 25/05/2019 - Brazil
Marist Ministry in Ji-Paraná - 15/04/2019 - Mexico
Marist Ministry in Mexico - 28/03/2019 - Australia
14 years 'behind bars' - 05/07/2018 - United Kingdom
Sunninghill's Royal Welcome for Refugees - 31/05/2018 - Philippines
Marist Sisters take on New Ministry in Davao! - 21/03/2018 - Australia
Being the presence of Mary in the Australian Outback - 24/10/2017 - Australia
Marist Mission in Outback Australia - 27/09/2017 - Mexico
Angels in Mexico - 17/07/2017 - United Kingdom
Marist Collaboration in London - 09/07/2017 - Senegal
Hard work is acknowledged in West Africa - 20/06/2017 - United Kingdom
Our Founding Story - Take Two! - 18/05/2017 - Australia
Anti-Trafficking: Interview with Noelene - 15/05/2017 - United Kingdom
Grace is on visitation - 01/04/2017 - General House
Congregational Finance Committee Meeting - 03/03/2017 - Mexico
Visiting Mexico - 21/01/2017 - General House
Grace in Australia - 13/01/2017 - United Kingdom
Manchester Young People have Big Hearts
Latest updates
- 12/09/2023: See I make everything new! - Week 4
- 03/09/2023: See, I make everything new! Week 3
- 27/08/2023: See, I make everything new! Week 2
- 19/08/2023: Marist Sisters Renewal 2023
- 08/08/2023: Perpetual Profession Sr Denise Ayoko Kossi
- 06/08/2023: WYD - Stations of the Cross
- 04/08/2023: WYD Pope Francis Welcomes Pilgrims