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General Team members, Anne and Viv, in Fiji

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24/02/2020 - Fiji

Memories of Fiji

For Anne McCabe it was a first visit, for Vivienne it was one of several over many years. Both Sisters were touched by the beauty of islands and by the friendliness of the Fijian people. But the most compelling memory is the closeness between our Sisters and the local people. Each community is truly "inserted" into the lives of those around them - it seems so reminiscent of the way our early Sisters lived in Jarnosse!

The photos show:

  1. Ysawas' Reforestation Project - seedlings, Lora and Marlene with "first-fruits", Anne enjoying "bu".
  2. Sessions with Lami-Raiwaqa communities on "Communication: Marist-style"; time with Truc, Hai and Lavenia.
  3. Nia arranged a connection with Marist Family - Frs Jim Ross, Roger McCarrick, Kevin Maguire and ex-student and dear friend, Annie Sutton.
  4. More recent ministries - Home of Compassion (Raitiera); Champagnat Institue (Kalala). 
  5. Levuka: visit to Sisters' graves, led by friend of the Marists, Monica Martha; meeting parishioners with Monica Lum.
  6. Sessions with Nadi-Nadelei communities; in the chapel with Margaret S and Rosemary. 
  7. Terube, Biri and Marlene at home in Nadelei. 
  8. Our two Annes - McCabe and Rounds!

Blessings on you, our dear Sisters  of Fiji -
may Mary accompany you as you live and minister in her name.

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