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Marist Sisters participate in Gladstone Farewell to Marist Fathers

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28/12/2019 - Australia

After 118 years of faithful service to the people of the Parish, the Fathers will leave Gladstone on 4th January 2020. It was a celebration of sorrow and joy. Sister Maureen Crick and I were invited to represent the Unit of Australia at the farewell. 

On Friday 22nd November the Parish community gathered with representatives from the diocesan clergy including the Bishop, Marist Fathers, Brothers, Sisters, Missionary Sisters and Sisters of Mercy to celebrate the Eucharist, this was a joyful celebration of thanksgiving. After Mass, there was great excitement as old friends were reunited.  

On Saturday evening, about 150 people attended a farewell dinner during which various speeches were made. Bishop Michael McCarthy thanked the Marist Fathers for their service to the Parish and remarked on the wonderful spirit of co-operation the Marists had with the diocese. Father Tony Corcoran SM responded on behalf of the Fathers. Warren Fellowes, who had grown up in the parish, spoke on behalf of the parishioners. He mentioned in particular the readiness of the priests to listen to the advice of the local people. At end of Warren’s speech we were invited to stand to sing the Hail Queen of Heaven with adapted words for the occasion. The formalities concluded with the cutting of the cake. Then there was plenty of opportunity to catch up with  friends.

Sunday morning marked the final day of celebration. Mass was con-celebrated with the Bishop at Chanel College in the Marian Centre. In the opening procession symbols of the different parts of the Parish were presented. Father Peter McMurrich preached the homily which included much of the history of the Gladstone parish.

At the end of Mass, Mrs Judy Aitkenhead on behalf of the parishioners thanked the Marist Fathers for their service in the parish. Morning tea followed with more reunions.

It was wonderful to part of these celebrations.

Sister Beverley Lewis

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