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21/09/2019 - Italy
Weaving a Web in Love
The Marist Sisters congratulate TALITHA KUM on its 10th Anniversary! We are delighted that our Gemma Wilson of New Zealand is here in Rome, representing ANZRATH at the conference hosted by UISG 21-28 September. Also staying at our General House are Australians: Christine Carolan from the ACRATH National Office and Brigidine Sisters Louise and Claire from ACRATH Victoria.
Talitha Kum is an international network of Consecrated Life against trafficking in persons. Working as a network facilitates collaboration and the interchange of information between consecrated men and women in 70 countries. The Marist Sisters are proud to belong to this organisation.
On Saturday 21st the Conference began with with a welcome from UISG president, Claretian Missionary Sr. Jolanta Kafka and a passionate address from Sr. Gabriella Bottani, Talitha Kum International Coordinator. Two special greetings were read - one from ACRATH sent by Noelene Simmons SM. Then several awards were presented for particular contributions to the work of Anti-Trafficking across all continents, including one to Sr Louise of ACRATH. Vivienne was delighted to be present.
In the afternoon Sylvette met up with the group at St Peter's Basilica for the Opening Eucharist at which Cardinal Turkson presided. There was a wonderful Congolese choir and Gemma took part in the offertory procession.
Blessings on the week ahead!
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