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International Renewal for 25 Marist Sisters

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21/08/2019 - New Zealand

Drinking from the Well-Spring of Life

From 24 August to 21 September, 25 English-speaking Marist Sisters will have the opportunity to "step aside from their commitments and allow themselves to drink and be refreshed from the fountainhead of all life that is God. The approach throughout the four weeks will be on how to experience and live from an attitude of contemplative awareness at this stage of their life". This is how their organisers, Srs Marie Challacombe and Kate McPhee, describe what it is about. The venue is the Franciscan Friary in Auckland New Zealand, the facilitator is Sr Margaret Anne Beech sja from Australia and the participants are coming from all over the world, as you will see below.

Dear Sisters, weary from your labours,
we wish you a deeply refreshing, soul-quenching experience.
We hold you in our daily prayer.

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