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11/08/2019 - Brazil
We could call this story "The Ripple Effect"
The young man holding the microphone is the writer of this story
My name is Junior Souza and I from Caruaru Pernambuco. I am a teacher of percussion instruments at the Mother of Mercy Social Centre, I have much to thank the Marist Sisters for, because it is through the activities of the Centre that today I am a good citizen. As a child I went to classes in this social project and there I learned how to be a better human person and I learned to love Jesus more and more and to know the Virgin Mary’s presence. I also learned the art of music there and I developed my gifts and through the grace of God today I teach the art of music to other children.
Thank you to the Marist Sisters and the work of the Social Centre because you have made me a better person and a good citizen.
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