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A Retreat for our Sisters in Davao

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20/08/2019 - Philippines

Journeying with the Women of the Gospels

Anne McCabe is facilitating a retreat for our Sisters in the Philippines and the two Vietnamese women who are having a community experience. During their days together, they have been accompanied in their prayer by the widow who gave everything, the woman who touched the hem of Jesus’ cloak and the adulterous woman; with the Samaritan woman they have sought the well filled with Living Water, and they will encounter Martha, Mary and Mary Magdalene as well.

Anne writes: Each Gospel woman has opened up her story to us.... and within each story we have found our own story in its giftedness and brokenness... and we have been led towards theLord! So  far it has been quite a journey ...
The photos show some treasures of the venue as well as our Marist "treasures". 

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