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National Assembly of Religious - Brazil

List News

14/07/2019 - Brazil

Special Event for the Religious of Brazil

The Conference of Religious of Brazil (CRB), as a conclusion of the triennium 2016-2019, is holding the 25th General Elective Assembly (AGE), from July 10 to 14.

The Assembly has as its theme: "Consecrated and consecrated in mission". Its motto is: "Do whatever he tells you," inspired by John 2: 5.

The 440 participants are members of the Major Superiors of Religious Institutes and Societies of Apostolic Life, the National Board; the members of the Regional Coordination and invited guestsof the National Board. The event is taking place at the Marist College (Maristan) SGAS 609 Brasilia (DF).

One of the main activities of this meeting is the election of the new Board of Directors of the Institution that represents more than 30 thousand religious members.

Our Sister Cida is there and asks for prayers for this special moment of consecrated religious life in the Church.

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