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Marist Mission Centre celebrates 70 years

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02/05/2019 - Australia

 Congratulations, MMC!

On 1st May, the Marist Mission Centre, a work of the Australian Marist Fathers, celebrated 70 years since its foundation through the inspiration of Fr Lionel Marsden SM. Captured as a prisoner of war in 1942, Fr Marsden survived the war and chose to go to Japan as a missionary to share his faith and speak of forgiveness and peace. Over the years MMC has gathered a wonderful band of faithful collaborators and donors and has reached out across the world in support of initiatives in places where others may choose not to go. We Marist Sisters have been among the recipients. Sr Lilibeth Cajes of the Philippines attended the celebration and spoke about our ministry at Balay Banaag, a shelter for girls at risk.

Congratulations to the Marists Fathers and all their collaborators at MMC!
May Mary keep the good work going.

Photos: 1 Current executive director, Fr Paul Sullivan sm with visiting speakers, Sr Lilibeth sm and Fr Lionel sm. 2. Lilibeth addressing those gathered for the anniversary celebration. 3. Fr Lionel Marsden sm and Japanese children

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