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28/03/2019 - Australia
Sr Therese Campbell retires from Prison Ministry
Through her ministry as chaplain at Long Bay men’s prison in Sydney Australia, Therese Campbell came to understand that there are both light and dark places in every one of us. At the age of 82 she looks back with fondness on her time ‘behind bars’ .
In her own words:
“I was told by a Corrective Services Officer that there is an unwritten law in gaols that religious women are deeply respected, and I did find that to be true. I have experienced little acts of gentlemanly behaviour from men who have done horrific crimes on the ‘outside’ and that taught me there is always a spark of potential for good in everyone.”
As prison chaplain, Therese provided a safe place for prisoners to tell their story - to talk about what they are going through and how their lives have changed as a consequence of their actions, to help them on their path to rehabilitation.
Read the full story from the CatholicCare Newsletter.
Dear Therese, those of us who ever accompanied you on a visit to the gaol
know the appreciation and respect the prisoners have for you.
You surely have brought into their lives the presence of Mary!
Blessings on your life 'outside'!
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