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Sunninghill's Royal Welcome for Refugees

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05/07/2018 - United Kingdom

A Royal Wecome for Refugees

The Notre Dame Refugee Centre is an intiative of the Marist Fathers in the heart of London. It is served by members of the wider Marist Family including our Carmel Reynolds. All kinds of help is provided from simple hospitality to the covering of legal expenses - a 10 mile walk recently raised 10,000 pounds for this purpose. (See Photo 1)

Just last week a special outing was arranged to the Marist School at Sunnnghill. Sadly not all the refugees were able to attend due to various ailments, but the welcome was none the less magnanimous.

Carmel writes: 

Our Annual visit to Sunninghill was a special event to treasure in our memories. Nothing was spared as the staff and pupils treated us like Royalty.The Sunninghill staff could not have been more welcoming. On arrival we were given tea/coffee/biscuits and then on to the colourful entertainment tents where we were treated to a variety concert given by the girls. Soon lunch was ready and we all sat together around a beautifully prepared table with members of staff who were free. The food was superb. Our guests appreciated the welcome and attention given them. It was a learning opportunity as we shared and mingled happily.

Out of different options open to us for the afternoon we all chose the guided walk through the woods. That was a novel experience and greatly enjoyed. Gift bags had been prepared for us by a younger class so our guests were heavily laden as they boarded the Marist School Minibus and headed for the Station.

Our guests could not stop telling their friends all about the visit next day while they proudly showed the contents of their gift bags and related their experience of a very joyful day.

Thank you Marist School, Sunninghill
for the joyful and welcoming spirit of peace and generosity
which enveloped us while with you on June 29th - eve of our Jeanne-Marie Chavoin's Feast.   
May it never fade but grow into eternity.

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