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31/05/2018 - Philippines
Davao's Balay Banaag Center is now in the care of the Marist Sisters
Balay Banaag offers residential care to girls who have been abused or at risk. Up until now it has been run by Talikala Inc. - a local NGO whose goal is to improve the quality of life of women prostitutes and survivors of prostitution. The Marist Sisters have worked with Talikala for years. So when it became difficult for Talikala to continue the management of Balay Banagg the director turned to the Sisters for help. With the enthusiastic support of the local Marist Fathers, the Marist Mission Centre, Marist Laity Australia and our Congregation, the handover took place on 31 May 2018.
Sr Monica Lum writes:
On May 31, the Sisters of the Unit and the staff of Talikala Inc, were joined by members of the Marist family and family members of the resident girls for the handing over of the management of Balay Banaag.
and on her supporting community
as they minister in Mary's name.

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