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Religious women and Anti-Trafficking

List News

08/05/2018 -

 Let's Support the Good Work being done!

Religious women are making headlines through their strong stance against Trafficking in Humans. During a conference held in Rome recently there was an indisputable link made between consumerism and trafficking. It's all about money!! Read the report from the Crux Newspaper

Marist Sisters, too, are involved in organisations which are working tirelessly to effect change in the plight of those who have been trafficked. Gemma Wilson is with ANZRATH in New Zealand, Noelene Simmons with ACRATH in Australia (see photo below) and Anne McCabe with the Anti-Trafficking arm of JPIC Roma in Italy. The ultimate aim of these organisations is to bring an end to trafficking - a daunting task! Yet, slowly the message is spreading... people are becoming more aware of the reality and its underlying causes. Read what's happening in Australia in the the latest ACRATH Newsletter

Let's support these efforts -
by keeping informed,
by spreading the message and
by holding in prayer all throughout our world
who are connected in any way with this reality.

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