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25/01/2018 - Senegal
Our fourth theme was Vision and Prophetic Witness. We reflected on the scripture passage Samaritan Women at the Well and discussed the worldview Jesus took during this encounter. Mary Persico outlined some of the technological advance which had taken place in the past ten years. We were reminded that must always keep in mind the common good, an integral part of Catholic Social teaching.
Our final session with Mary Persico began with the reading of our unfolding Vision, which had been put together by a writing team after each participant had shared her vision.
After a short time of evaluation we expressed our gratitude to Mary Persico for her guidance as together we sought to follow the Star over the past two weeks.
We appreciated her wisdom and inspiring insights, and her continuous encouragement to give our best always. We concluded by singing a chorus from a song ..."One Breath, One Blood, One Body, One Spirit - we are all one!" which had been a recurring theme in a number of sessions.
As Mary left.... she indicated she was handing it over to us!
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