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20/06/2017 - United Kingdom
Our Founding Story - Take Two
In England this year, the weekend of 17th/18th June was set aside for some reflection on the Bicentenary of the Marist Sisters. Most of the Sisters of the Unit gathered with a number of their Marist lay friends at one or other of two venues - Nympsfield or Villa Maria Hythe. Vivienne had been invited from Rome to share some thoughts on the occasion.
At each venue the participants were taken back in time to peep through the Cerdon presbytery window in November 1823 and then to eavesdrop on a conversation in the Marist Sisters' house at La Boucle in 1841. These experiences were followed by a reflection on the deep partnership which developed between Jeanne-Marie Chavoin and Marie Joillon. The participants then considered - personally, in pairs, and in the large group - the insights gained with regard to our Marist living today.
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