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A Conversation about Death

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28/05/2023 - France

 Sr Marie-Therese Terra writes: 

Recently, the organisation that pays my teacher's pension invited me to take part in a debate on "DEATH". Initially surprised by the offer, I was quickly won over by the opportunity to share my thoughts on this crucial subject with strangers from all walks of life. This proposal, not initiated by the Church, seemed to me to be a synodal reality.  So I went to the brasserie I'd been told about, and I wasn't disappointed! 
There were six of us at the bar table around Isabelle, the host:
Gabrielle, 38, a dancer who has absolutely no fear of death, seeing it as the culmination of life and freedom. Frank, aged 80, retired after a busy career, is apprehensive about the suffering that we often have to go through before we die. He also commented on funeral services where the deceased is eulogised... Micheline, over 80, serene. Marion, 28, a care assistant who was confronted with the end of life of her patients without being prepared for it, and who has since attended training courses and is happy to be working in palliative care. 
As for me, I said how familiar I was with celebrating funerals! Everyone was interested to hear me explain that for us nuns, it's a question of celebrating and offering to God the life of our sister. It's never sad.
Through this sharing, we felt very close to each other and we left with the hope of meeting again!

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