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30/03/2023 - Fiji
The first-ever joint continental meeting of the National Directors of the Pontifical Mission Societies of Oceania and Asia has taken place in Thailand.
Sr Mariana Maramanicava was among the representatives from all across the region who gathered in Thailand to reflect on the work of Pontifical Mission Society in Oceania and Asia.
During this meeting the National Directiors shared the various aspects of their roles and identified the strengths and weaknesses, challenges and opportunities and how they see ourselves in the Church where we are.
The discussion was enhanced by a presentation made by Fr Clarence Devadass, Director of the Catholic Research Centre in Thailand.
Bishop Joseph Chusak Siriusut, President of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Thailand, emphasised the importance of the incarnation in the proclamation of the Christian message. He also highlighted the significance of interfaith dialogue and the development of friendships among different religious groups, not simply as a response to conflict.
Fr Brian Lucas, National Director of Catholic Mission, who represented Australia at the meeting, expressed how vital it is for local churches in Oceania and Asia to come together and forge closer relationships in the service of Mission. He emphasised the need to understand the unique features of different cultures so that the Gospel can truly find a place within local communities.
Catholic Mission is grateful for this wonderful opportunity to strengthen bonds between different communities and for the collaboration between the Pontifical Mission Societies’ international network.
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