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01/08/2023 - Portugal
The theme for the third day was Hope and the day was facilitated by the Marist Fathers.
The day began with a 150km bus journey to Fatima. After breakfast and reflection, the participants walked the five kilometres to the Shrine of Fatima. On the way they passed the house where Sr Lucia de Jesus was born and lived. At Fatima they attended Mass, had time for personal reflection and visited the Shrine.
Each was given a rosary and the participants were invited to make this prayer a daily practice in their lives, as it was in the lives of the founders of the Marist Congregations.
Fr John Larsen emphasised how Mary presents herself to the poorest of the poor and calls them to meet and embrace her Son Jesus. The children at Fatima were entrusted with a mission to bring a message to the world. Participants were challenged to consider Mary's call to them to bring the Good News of Jesus to the world today?
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