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31/07/2023 - Portugal


The second day “ADORE” was led by the Marist Sisters".

We are going to adore," invited Sister Sylvette Mané in her motivation.

Throughout the day, the Sisters  encouraged the participants to deepen their life of faith, their trust in God through the example of Mary.  Sister Sylvette referred to Mary's presence in the "Upper Room" where she waited for the disciples at Pentecost.  She invited the young people to live a simple, ordinary, trusting and humble life.  All those who want to embrace the Christian life in depth need to be transformed as Mary was.


In her talk, Sister Regina identified the presence of the Holy Spirit and thanksgiving as important attitudes for the Christian life.   The group then reflected on the star that guides their lives and identified Marian characteristics.  




Sister Silvia reflected on the Magnificat and encouraged each person to imagine their own Magnificat.  After individual and group reflection, each group gave an artistic presentation.

The highlight of the day was the long period of adoration during which the participants gathered together.  The day ended with a time of reflection and contemplation on the beach at Carcavelos.














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