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22/10/2022 -
Come and Tell (Aotearoa-New Zealand, Fiji, Phlippines)
Sr Seini Fatai has started a weekly zoom meeting with young women from all over the Pacific. Prior to the first two meetings a facebook page was created as the first step inviting some Sisters from Aotearoa New-Zealand, Fiji and the Phillipines to be part of the group. From there we (Marist Sisters) invited young women that we know to join before sending out the zoom link.
The main purpose of this Initiative is to create an online community that allows a sacred space for the young Catholic women to “come and tell”, their deep stories. Opportunities for questions and suggestions about topics of their interest would be taken into consideration. Srs Birisita Bibi, Kalala Kiutau Taufa, Raitiera Teiti (of the Unit of Fiji joined this week’s meeting with four other young women from Fiji. It was a wonderful opportunity not only to catch up with those Sisters but also to listen to the young women sharing their stories, hopes and expectations.
The suggested topic for the next meeting was for us Sisters to share about our life and mission. There was also a request from the young people to upload some materials about our Marist life in the face book page so they can read them in their own time before each meeting. All the young women who participated in this week’s zoom meeting are completing tertiary education at the University of the South Pacific.
The feedback from the meeting is quite encouraging so it seems to be the way forward in our effort to share our charism, life and mission with young women. Sr Tulua ‘Otuafi and some other Sisters from Fiji and the Philippines were invited to be part of this online forum and have joined them at subsequent meetings.
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