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20/03/2022 - United States
Why is Marist Vocation Critical for Our World Today?
A Retreat Director’s Perspective by Linda Sevcik, SM, Executive Director, Manresa Jesuit Retreat House, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
Focusing on Marist spirituality from a retreat director’s perspective, it strikes me how well the Marist charism transfers to the needs of this ministry.
As I converse with other retreat directors from the mid-west, we are noting a trend, at least in several mid-west retreat houses, of an increase in the number of lay persons seeking individually directed retreats. There is a range of ages among these retreatants, men and women. Interestingly, there is a growing percentage of young adults in their twenties and thirties among those seeking an individually directed retreat. Some attend Sunday worship regularly; others do not. Most are Catholic, but not all. All seek a deeper relationship with God.
As retreat directors, what treasures from Marist spirituality are particularly valuable in this expanding ministry?
Hallmarks of our Marist Founders are a kind and relational approach with people to whom one is ministering and conveying deep respect for each individual. Certainly those attitudes are needed in directing retreats, and they tend to create a warm and trusting space where God’s leading is more readily discerned. This relational approach also models in some way the kind of relationship the retreatant desires to deepen with the Persons of the Trinity and perhaps Mary or the saints, so is helpful on many levels.
We Marists consider an approach to ministry characterized by mercy and compassion to be key to our spirituality, identifying with Mary, Mother of Mercy. This means we convey acceptance and care for each person as they are, and not judgment, even though out of care for the person the director will likely offer challenges to certain behaviors or attitudes as the relationship deepens. During the retreat, over several days, retreatants often repent of certain actions, habitual behaviors or attitudes, and the director reminds them of God’s loving mercy.
Finally, Marist Founder Jean Claude Colin offers this reflection:
“We are living in an age when everything should be done in a modest fashion…It is only by being unassuming that we can achieve success nowadays. We must win souls by submitting ourselves to them.”
(A Founder Speaks, 102:33)
A key phrase in the spirituality of Marists is “hidden and unknown,” very related to the word used by Colin, “unassuming.” It describes the way all Marists should present themselves in ministry, with humility, not drawing attention to themselves and their gifts. Applying this to the ministry of retreat direction, it indicates the humble manner with which we should approach each person, seeking the ways God has already been working in the person throughout his/her life, and building upon that. It means listening and praying, not seeking to sound clever or to jump to conclusions immediately what kind of guidance the person needs.
In my ministry as a retreat director, the gift of our Marist Charism is a priceless and essential guide.
Reprinted with permission - Society of Mary USA Marist Vocation News February 2022
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