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14/08/2022 - New Zealand
Celebrating Jubilees, Assembly and Laudato Si
On June 17, the Unit of Aotearoa-New Zealand gathered in the Mt Albert community chapel for a special Jubilee Mass celebrated by the local Parish priest, Fr Carlos. We celebrated the Jubilees of Srs Shirley Day(70 years) and Srs Patricia Sarju, Margaret Cross, and Marie Therese Ranum (60 years). This was followed by a very fine lunch. Unfortunately Sr Margaret could not join them for the celebration but was remembered in prayer.
Pictured from left: Srs Patricia Sarju, Shirley Day, Marie Therese Ranum
Below: Sisters gathered in the Chapel after the Jubilee Mass.
The next day we gathered again for "Matariki"
- the time when we begin again, plant again, pray for our deceased members, forgive again and share a feast together.
This occasion was inspired by the Maori New Year which is indicated by the constellation called "Matariki". It also is linked with Laudato Si Goal 6 "Ecological Spirituality" which invites us to pray in union with creation and to discover God in all things.
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