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06/07/2022 - General House
We pray God's Blessings Upon You
On the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul, the Via Aurelia community gathered for a Mass of Gratitude and Farewell for Sr Grace Ellul as she prepared to return to the Unit of Australia. Sr Grace has completed seven years of service to the Marist Sisters Congregation as Superior General.
It was truly beautiful the way the scripture readings for the Feast of Saints Peter reflected Sr Grace's love and service over the last seven years - to both the Congregation as a whole, but also to each sister on an individual level.
Those present were very moved as Grace read the words of the second reading, 2 Timothy.
'As for me, my life is already being poured away as a libation, and the time has come for me to be gone. I have fought the good fight to the end, I have run the race to the finish; I have kept the faith....'
Fr Peter, reflecting over the Gospel, spoke of St Peter as one who reached the great truth of who Christ really is, not through his own knowledge of cleverness, but through the Father's revelation and graces, comparing it then to Sr Grace's journey as leader of our Congregation.
Sr Sylvette Mané was united with the in prayer from France... and we kept her chair in the circle for our Eucharist, very aware of her presence, support, and love.
The Eucharist concluded by those present by raising their hands in a special blessing for Sr Grace.
In the words of Monica Brown:
'We have been blessed by her loving presence.She will remain deep within our hearts ...and we pray God's blessing on her.'
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