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Marist Laity Retreat

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04/06/2022 - Ireland

Irish Marist Laity Retreat

On 13th May (Feast of Our Lady of Fatima), the Marist Laity, John O’Gara S.M. and Sr Marie   gathered in Knock Eucharistic and Marian shrine for a week-end retreat. It was two years, due to Covid since we had our last retreat, so there was great rejoicing among the thirty of us.

The retreat was facilitated by Mary O’Connor and her husband Ian, both of whom have spent considerable time in the Marist sisters and brothers’ congregations. This was very evident in their sharing of Marist spirituality throughout the weekend.

The theme of “Hope-Being Marist in the church today,” was explored through scripture using video, film. On the first night we saw a video of Pope Francis consecrating Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. A prayer leaflet based on Pope Francis deep devotion to Mary, showed us his deep devotion to Mary and how he sees her as a model to copy as we Marists do this led to a question for reflection.

Saturday started off with Eucharist in the Apparition Chapel celebrated by Father John. He introduced the theme of hope Isaiah 42:6-8 followed by two videos regarding the ‘Marist Family’ the first video called The Marian Way where several lay Marists talk about their living of the Marist Way. The second Fourvière 2017- a bi-centenary video interviewing the four religious groups in Rome. speaking about the Marist Way in their congregation.


We were delighted to welcome Sr. Elsie on Saturday afternoon for the discussion groups where we shared our own personal experience of our Marist calling and profound moments in our lives where we felt the presence of God. This was followed by a video on Mary’s call in the Annunciation and some time for reflection and questions to ponder. We finished the evening with Adoration



On Sunday after Eucharist, to address the question where to from here? Ian explored the Emmaus story as a parable for us today. After some time for personal reflection with the text he led us on a prayerful reflection on the text.

The retreat ended with a recommitment to Marist Laity.

All departed with great enthusiasm, joy in their hearts and a desire to make the whole world Marist.

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