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Chapter News 3

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19/05/2022 - General House

 Election of our New Leadership Team for 2022-2029

The discernment process started on Thursday and the election
of the new Congregation Leader took place on Saturday morning. We gathered in the Chapel and spent some time in front of the Blessed Sacrament praying in silence before we proceeded to do the election. It was a very emotional and special moment when every Sister congratulated and embraced Sr Sylvette Mane as our new Congregation Leader.
Later in the afternoon of the same day, all delegates gathered again to elect the General Councillors.  Again, we spent some time in silence praying in front of the Blessed Sacrament before proceeding to do the voting. We were delighted to congratulate our new General Councillors: Mari Aranda, Kate McPhee and Silvia Sanz de Diego.

After the election of the General Councillors we enjoyed a celebration and congratulated the new leadership team for their generosity and willingness to serve our Congregation in the next seven years.  
The following day Frs Ray Chapman sm and Ben McKenna sm celebrated Mass for us in the Chapel.  They brought with them a letter from Fr John Larsen sm (Superior General Marist Fathers). Fr John Larsen sm wrote to congratulate Sylvette and her new team.   

In his letter he noted the letter from Jeanne-Marie Chavoin to Fr Jean-Claude Colin in 1842.  And as a successor of Fr Jean-Claude Colin he sent the same words back to the successor of Jeanne-Marie Chavoin and her team with prayerful blessings! 
“Well, do you know that Mary, our good Mother, truly wishes to be at the head of those who are entrusted with her Society?  She will guide them in little things, if they are careful to do nothing without consulting her.  Let us always have recourse to her and we shall always be helped.”

  (CMJ 51 #1)

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