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General Chapter News 1

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05/05/2022 - General House

Our 30th General Chapter commenced on Sunday 24th April with a beautiful liturgy prepared by the General Team.

We gathered then -

Sr Grace Ellul (Superior General) warmly welcome everyone to the opening liturgy of the Chapter. The paschal candle was lit and from it the lanterns for the chapter delegates. As we proceeded to the Chapter Meeting room, we paused as Sr Grace called each delegate to cross the threshold which marks the formal beginning of the chapter. You can watch the video of the opening ceremony using the link below.

The first two days were dedicated to “Creating the community of the Chapter”. Sister Catherine Ryan OSM, the Chapter facilitator engaged everyone in small groups sharing which helped the Sisters getting to know each other a bit better.


On the third day of the Chapter, we received Sr Grace’s report in the morning. Later that afternoon Sr Teri (Jeanne Marie Chavoin Centre - Belley, France) gave us her report via Zoom  which included a video.

Both reports were well received by the group and some discussions followed after each report. 

Each day of the Chapter begins with a “Faith Sharing” which is an opportunity to a deeper listening to everyone’s reflection on the Gospel Reading of the day and a Marist text. 

In the last three days, we have been so blessed to celebrate the Holy Eucharist at mid-day with different priests as celebrant including the Fr Ben McKenna SM from the Marist Fathers Administration Team, Fr Louis Lougen OMI, Superior General for the Oblates of Mary Immaculate and Fr Trong a resident of the SVD community here in Nemi.



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