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16/12/2021 - Australia
Marist Sisters in Australia gathered at Hunters Hill on the afternoon 4th December for prayer and rituals to mark the change of Leadership which would occur on 8th December.
The gathering was an opportunity to give thanks to Sr Catherine Lacey who has been Unit Leader for the past seven years and to Sr Ruth Davis for her role as Unit Assistant for the last three years.
During a simple and prayerful liturgy, recognising that leadership is a call to love and service, the outgoing leadership team washed the hands of the new team. Cath then handed the Unit Candle to Sr Gail Reneker as the sisters present extended their hands and prayed a prayer of blessing over Gail and her assisstants Srs Julie Brand and Beverley Lews. At the conclusion of the prayer Julie, on behalf of the sisters of the Unit expressed gratitude to Cath and Ruth for their years of faithful service.
Afternoon tea followed the time of prayer. Due to Covid-19 restrictions this was the first time the sisters had been able to gather since July 2020. Just being together was a joy and blessing for all present.
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