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28/11/2021 - Ireland
A Special Birthday
Our Sr. Helen Ryan celebrated her 90th birthday on October 31. Helen grew up in Tipperary town. We sing a song about it: “It’s a long way to Tipperary”. Helen belonged to a big family of eleven children: 9 girls and 2 boys. Helen was number 8 and the 2 boys squeezed into this crowd of girls; Mattie was number 5, and Michael was number 11. As well as Helen’s family there were other Ryan families in Tipperary town. Lots of Ryans but no MARISTS.
But when Helen was in her early twenties an interesting connection opened up a new direction in her life. Sr. Joan of Arc’s father was an old friend of Helen’s mother. One day he phoned to ask her where he might find accommodation for his daughter, Joan, and her friend while they were visiting Ireland. And without hesitation, Mammy Ryan said, “They can stay here in our house”. Some years later Helen asked Sr. Joan about becoming a Marist, and she suggested she visit the noviciate in Carrick- on Shannon. And since then Helen has clocked up all these years living her Marist call in all the places she has served.
So many people help us in our early years of discernment and decision making , but in Helen’s story, I love Mammy Ryan’s spontaneous, hospitable response to Sr. Joan’s father: “ They can stay here in our house “ . It was a moment in time when a mother, unknowingly, sheds light on her daughter’s call to our Marist way of life
And now to the CELEBRATION.
Because she belongs to a big family, Helen has nieces and nephews a-plenty who had already prepared some gatherings. But, some days before the birthday, Helen got very sick and spent days in hospital. What a challenge! And the prayers went up for a speedy recovery. Thankfully, she got better, and she was able to celebrate with her nieces. On the eve of her birthday, we had Mass, celebrated by Fr. John O’Gara, a Marist priest. And of course, that was followed by food and camaraderie. On Sunday, the big day (31st) we had a special dinner and the most delicious cake in the world. Ask Sr. Ann where you can order it. The bakery is in some” hard to get to place” off Camden St. Then at 5 pm the sisters from Kenilworth and No. 10 joined us for Afternoon Tea. That was an extra special gathering because it was the first time, we could be together since before the Covid.
And, finally, before we went our separate ways. we praised God for this special time together and for Helen, who made it possible.
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