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Departure from Barcaldine

List News

29/12/2020 - Australia

 15 years of Rural Ministry in Australia

The Australian Sisters took on a mission in outback Queensland in 2006. Now it is time to move on...
Sr Mary Farrelly writes
After 15 years in the western pastoral ministry of Rockhampton Diocese – nine years shared with Sr. Cath Lacey, now our Unit leader, and six years living alone – the decision has been made for me to return to one of our Marist communities in New South Wales. Saying goodbye is not easy and the thought of moving from the country to coastal/suburban life is one that I find challenging....
Yet, truly I feel blessed to have had these years in the western part of the Diocese, to have learnt about and to have experienced some of the challenges which shape the men and women, the children of these rural and especially remote places. Without the possibility of daily Mass (as elsewhere in my life) my own appreciation of the presence of our amazing God within each of us, as Jesus taught his followers, has deepened and I have tried to share this awareness.
The photos show:
  1. The road travelled in a four-wheel drive
  2. Providing distance education to children living on isolated properties
  3. Helping a farmer with his sheep
  4. Stopping for a coffee along the way
  5. A family following an outdoor baptism
  6. Sacrament of Confirmation with one of the priests standing in for the bishop.

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