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29/04/2021 - Ireland
During this current third wave of Level 5 Covid restrictions we have had many challenges but also blessings. Some of us were forced to move into a gentler rhythm and enjoy a more contemplative lifestyle. It is an opportunity to pray, reflect, read more and share our spiritual resources. Therese of Lisieux and Pope Francis are favourites. Newspapers, novels, crosswords help us relax and unwind. We are so fortunate to have a beautiful garden outside our dining room window and a public park for our walks to enjoy the splendour of springtime. Those who are not mobile enjoy the birdsong, spring flowers and Felicity the newly domesticated cat.
Ministry continues in a more restricted manner. Sisters go to two nursing homes to visit Sr Donal and Sr Catherine Boland who are residents there. Sr Geraldine continues her ministry as head teacher in our Marist Primary school with the very demanding task of remote teaching for almost nine month of the year. Hopefully with the slow roll out of the vaccine schools will be safe places when they return to school after the Easter holidays. Geraldine also does the shopping and bakes delicious treats. Sr Marie O Reilly and other Sisters have moved their ministry on line where they connect with the Marist Laity group, migrants, bereaved, the twelve step programme for those in addiction and also keep in touch by phone with elderly parishioners.
Holidays even this year are but a dream but in the words of Julian of Norwich we pray "All will be well and all manner of things will be well"
Top photo Srs Geraldine, Helen & Aideen
Bottom photo Back Row: Srs Ann & Marie Front Row Srs Alvarez & Eleanor
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