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21/03/2021 - Ireland


Our community in Tubbercurry have enjoyed unexpected joys and developments during their long Covid lock down.

‘The delights of Mother Nature all around with snowdrops, daffodils and crocus reappearing and the multitude of crows busy nesting has cheered us on our daily strolls. Indoors we observe a lot of team building, problem and conflict solving, memory challenges and the bonding power of laughter! All this is the result of having TIME to engage in demanding exercises such as Card games, crosswords, crafts, developing Zoom and What's skills and the luxury of a leisurely tea break!”

The Sisters miss the parish gatherings for daily mass, but we now appreciate on our National TV. Their own daily Liturgies carefully prepared and greatly enhanced by our organist Sr Anne Mc Cormack has become a great source of inspiration and reflection.

Parish involvement is very limited, but they support the elderly, sick and bereaved by cards and phone calls and our Convent has become a Lighthouse for prayer requests.  Sadly, there had many funerals, and the Sisters were not able to visit to the homes or attend the funeral mass. However, obeying the distancing regulations they formed guards of honour along the streets as the mourners went to the funeral masses.

One of our octogenarians, Sr Leo advanced her communication skills and now continues to help lead a weekly Zoom prayer meeting. Other Sisters continue to support the St. Vincent  de Paul, Marist Laity and Active Retirement as these were very life-giving gatherings for all. 

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