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Marist Sisters in Difficult Times: Part 4 - Philippines

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14/04/2020 - Philippines

Easter in Lockdown

On 10 April 2020, Unit Leader, Sr Jane O'Carroll wrote:

Our Easter, lived and celebrated in lockdown, has been like one we have never experienced before.
We wish to share with our Sisters all around the world, Jesus’ greeting of peace!
Jesus triumphed over his ‘lockdown’ experience of the tomb and came to us as the Risen Christ,
standing among us offering His peace and joy!

Jane explained that the Sisters have been in four different lockdown groups - In Davao there are two groups: i) Sheila and our two Vietnamese aspirants, Truc and Hai, in Mintal have organised their daily life around prayer, classes, gardening, housework and shopping; ii) In Balay Banaang, Edna and Lilibeth are taking care of the homeless young girls and seeing to their daily needs - they have no internet connection, so communication is limited but apparently all residents are well.   Then there is April in Sydney finishing her course and hoping to return to Davao at the first opportunity. While Jane herself as the ‘non-resident’ leader is in New Zealand, hoping to be able to visit as soon as the borders re-open.

Sheila has sent the photos below. She writes:
From the beginning of the corona virus outbreak, prisoners have emerged in the daily prayers and Mass intentions of our Pope Francis. This Easter, pandemic was not a barrier for the Marist Family to continue its mission to Persons Deprived of Liberty (PDL). Our lay Partners in Marist Mission (PIMM) is a group formed by Fr Larry Sabud in 2008 to support the ministry to the prison - these are local benefactors "hidden and unknown" who provide for material needs as requested.  I am their contact person and it was through their generosity that eggs were delivered to 2800 PDLs. This generosity shown in their commitment is an inspiration. GOD bless our Marist Laity.
Other photos show:
  • Praying Good Friday and Holy Saturday with the full moon appearing...
  • Easter Sunday: meal table with Sheila, Truc and Hai and the table of the Lord in the chapel

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